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Operation and Setup

Beam Operation - Cleaning and Sanitizing Beam

It's important to keep your Beam and dock clean and free of dust. We recommend ridding the system of dust and other collective buildups on a weekly or as-needed basis.

  1. Power down your Beam system.
  2. Guide the Beam off of the charging dock.
  3. Using a soft microfiber cloth, dust all Beam and dock surfaces.
  1. Power down your Beam system. 
  2. Guide the Beam off of the charging dock.
  3. Disconnect the charging dock from the power source.
  4. Use rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab to clean the charging contacts located on the dock and the Beam.

Beam can be safely sanitized using a lightly moistened germicidal disposable wipe. Bleach wipes should be used sparingly, when necessary. 

  1. Powered down your Beam system.
  2. Guide the Beam off of the charging dock.
  3. Disconnect the charging dock from its power source. 
  4. Use damp or lightly moistened towelette to wipe the surface area.
  5. Allow the system to dry completely before engaging the power button for reboot. 

UV disinfection has been proven to effectively sanitize Beam hardware; however, its long-term durability to UV exposure has not been tested.

For additional information, contact our Customer Success Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..