How to Safely Operate a Beam

Please watch the Beam Safety and Operation video prior to operating a Beam.

To assist in keeping Beams safe and fun we encourage you to keep these simple safety tips in mind:

  • Always drive slowly around others.
    Never drive while distracted, or with any of your camera views blocked.
    Never drive with the local audio muted or your speaker volume down.
    Avoid driving near any areas where the Beam could lose its balance (like stairs, steep ramps, or curbs).
    Never operate the Beam if a local has their hands in or around the wheels or base.

Is Beam secure? 

Currently, there is no known way for attackers to eavesdrop on conversations. All Beam call traffic is encrypted using AES-256 and authenticated using HMAC-SHA1. All configuration data is secured using TLS.

Note: Beam cannot control or limit the use of other recording programs or devices while Beam is in use.

Can anyone listen in on me or record me?

Calls made using Beam are encrypted and cannot be seen or heard by anyone, including employees at GoBe Robots. Encryption and decryption occur at the call endpoints.  Other information, such as usage statistics and diagnostic data is available to a subset of Beam support and engineering staff.

Am I going to hurt people, things in the room, or the Beam itself?

Beam is meant to be operated in the presence of other people. While you should always use caution when piloting a Beam, it is designed to minimize liability.

To optimize pilot and local safety, consider the Assisted Driving LiDAR add-on for BeamPro. This optional feature utilizes a laser sensor that automatically adjusts the Beam's speed according to surroundings, specifically for collision prevention.

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